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Cohiba Robustos


If any cigar could sum up the Cohiba brand, it is the Cohiba Robustos. Not only is it the perfect representation of quality Cuban cigars for sale, but it is also an ideal choice for both experienced smokers and non-adventurous newcomers alike. Cohiba Robustos is distinguished by its intense flavor – often described as loosely sharp and woody – and a sweet but spicy undertone in the middle and final third.

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SKU: cohiba-robustos Category:


Tension: moderate
Dimensions: 124×19.84mm
Ring: 50
Fragrances: Coffee, Vanilla, Cocoa, Cocoa

Cohiba, was Fidel Castro’s preferred brand, created in 1966 as a top brand of cigars for diplomatic purposes.

Since 1982 it was offered to the public in three sizes: lanceros, coronas especiales and panetelas. In 1989, three more sizes were added to complete the classic range, namely: Esplendidos, Robustos and Exquisitos.